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Church Blog

“Tuesday Devo, 07.14.2015”

Categories: Christian Attitudes, Tuesday Email Devo

This past Sunday morning, as we studied Ecclesiastes 1 in the adult class, we were confronted with some sobering realities. The realities that much of life is out of our control can be a frightening thing for us, and this is one of the great challenges of Christianity.

Part of the uniqueness of God's plan comes from the fact that it asks us to overcome by relinquishing control. Typically, we think we will gain the upper hand by controlling all the other hands. And so we look for ways to mold our lives so that they meet our wants and satisfy our cravings. And yet, it is when we acknowledge that we'll never have perfect control... when we acknowledge that only God has that much power... when we acknowledge him as a perfect God who will faithfully meet all of our needs... It is then that we are able to relinquish the reins and live by our faith in him. "This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for part from him, who can eat or who can have enjoyment?"  (Eccl. 2:24-25)

- Dan Lankford