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Church Blog

“Too Thankful Not to Pray”

Categories: Tuesday Email Devo

During a holiday week—even one that is specifically devoted to thanking God for our blessings—it can be very easy to let time slip away from us and forget to pray to God. House cleaning, food prep, family time, and Black Friday shopping add up to a very fun time. But let's be sure that we don't let the time slip away from us and forget to spend some quality time with God.

This week, make a deliberate effort to get away and pray. Give thanks to God. Tell him how much you appreciate both what he's done and who he is. And tell him how much you need him.

Pray. Pray out loud. Don't get too busy to pray. The reality is that we're too busy NOT to stop and pray whenever we can.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thess. 5:16-18)