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Church Blog


Categories: Christian Living, Tuesday Email Devo

The University of Alabama won the national football championship last night in a riveting matchup with Clemson University. As the game ended, commentary abounded about Coach Saban's one-word mantra for his team this year: FINISH.

That one word of motivation is posted all around Alabama's football facilities as a constant reminder for his plays of the need for perseverance. And the team did that yesterday. They finished. They stayed strong, stayed diligent, and kept pushing all the way to the end. And they won.

Paul described the ending of his life in overwhelmingly positive terms. He finished the course of this life and trusted fully in the grace of God that there would be a crown of righteousness laid up for him. Paul had done what the Lord tells us all to do in Luke 9. He had put his hand to the plow and never looked back. He had stayed faithful. He had FINISHED.

Christians everywhere would do well to make this our mantra for the new year and for all our lives. Finish. Set yourself up to finish right now, especially as we're all just getting started with a new year! Let's be determined. Let's be dependent on God. Let's be disciples of Jesus.



- Dan Lankford, minister