Church Blog

Church Blog

“Self-Evaluation Survey”

Categories: Christian Attitudes, Preaching, The Bible, The Church

Answer those questions that apply to you and your life.


1.   How would you rate yourself spiritually, on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest?)


2.   Attendance (Hebrews 10:25)

  • Do you miss services when you could come?
  • Do you put other things first on a regular basis (Matthew 6:33)?
  • Do you attend Sunday morning Bible study? If not, why not?


3.   Giving (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)

  • Do you give sacrificially?
  • Do you think you contribute your fair share to the Lord's work at this church?
  • Do you consider yourself to be materialistic (where on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1, not at all and 10 being completely so)?


4.   Personal Bible Study (Romans 10:17)

  • Do you study the Bible regularly (most days, if not daily)?
  • Do you study merely to prepare for class or do you also study for your own personal growth and development?


5.   Nurturing your children (Ephesians 6:4)

  • Do you help your children prepare their Bible class lessons?
  • Do you work with your children to help them apply the classes, sermons, etc. to their lives?
  • Do you bring the Bible into personal situations, like accepting defeat, getting along with other children, obeying your requests, etc.?
  • Do you have any questions about specific problems with your children that the elders could help you with?
  • If you do not have children of your own, do you try to help encourage the children of others spiritually?


6.   Prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)

  • How would you rate your prayer life (again, 1 to 10)?
  • Do you pray regularly with your spouse about your relationship and other things?


7.   Using talents (Matthew 25:14-30)

  • Are you helping by teaching classes?
  • Are you currently working with someone to convert him/her to Christ? If so, do you pray about it regularly?
  • Is the man of the house working to prepare himself to serve as an elder or deacon? If so, what qualifications do you currently lack?
  • What areas of your life should you work on so you can serve in this way?
  • Are the other members of the family trying to qualify themselves to be the child/spouse/etc. of an elder or deacon?


8.   What kind of influence are you at work, school, etc.?


9.   Do you help with visitation of the sick, shut-ins, etc.?


10.   How do you feel about the goals, congregational direction, etc.? Is there anything about the church (positive or negative) that you would like to discuss with the leaders?


--Roger Hillis


My suggestion is that, if the church has shepherds, it would be a great idea for them to visit every family in the church and have each member of the church to discuss this survey with them. This should be encouraging for the members and eye opening for the elders. Hopefully, it would be a time for spiritual growth and development for all of the disciples of Christ to examine themselves and make any changes that might be needed.