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“Why I Get Nervous When I Baptize Someone”

Categories: Christian Living, GOD, Salvation, Spiritual Living, Tuesday Email Devo

Whenever I get the opportunity to baptize someone into Jesus Christ, my emotions are all over the map. It's a combination of sincere, heart-deep joy and panicky, clammy-handed nervousness. Here's why:

In the past, a big part of my nervousness has been over petty stuff. I get nervous about sounding silly or looking silly. Admittedly, I have an ongoing fear that I'm going to drop somebody in the water. Irrational and silly? Yes. But true? Unfortunately, yes.

But in my better moments, when all of that is gone, rather than fading, the disquiet is often even stronger. My heart races and my hands often tremble as I realize the gravity of what is happening at that moment:

  • I'm witnessing the moment that God saves someone's soul from Hell.
  • I'm seeing the moment that God transforms someone's heart.
  • I get to be a spectator to death of the old life and resurrection to new life in Jesus.
  • I'm witnessing God's forgiveness of a lifetime of sin.
  • I'm watching as God fulfills so many of his promises at once.
  • I'm right there as God breathes life into a person's soul like he did to the first man he created.
  • I'm seeing a testimony to the fact that the Devil has been defeated.
  • And I'm rejoicing with the angels that one more sinner has repented.

And as all of that starts to sink, the thought that is always in my mind is, "How do I say something that even comes close to describing this marvelous reality? How do I communicate how astoundingly powerful God has made this moment?" I know what I usually say. And I know what I will probably say in the future. But I also know that those words fall far short of the real significance of the moment.

So, until the power and splendor of baptism into Jesus Christ fades from the scope of reality, I guess I will have to continue being nervous.

- Dan Lankford, minister