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Church Blog

“Friends Don't Let Friends Go to Hell”

Categories: Christian Attitudes, Christian Living, Preaching, The Bible

Everyone is surely aware of the national advertising campaign on television and radio that encourages the use of a “designated driver” and even advocates taking car keys away from a drunk person so that he won’t get behind the wheel. It features the catchy phrase – “Friends don’t let friends drive drunk.”

As a spin-off of that idea, you’ve probably also seen the bumper stickers that say, Friends don’t let friends drive Fords (or Chevys or Toyotas or whatever). Unless you work at one of those companies, it is likely that you smile when you see one of those bumper stickers.

One phrase is serious; one is intended to be humorous. Here’s an even more serious thought. A true friend would not even consider letting a close friend go to hell for eternity. Or would he?

Do you have friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, or fellow students that you have never talked to about their souls? These are people who will be lost if they don’t learn about Jesus and obey the gospel. You might be the only New Testament Christian with an opportunity to say something that could change their eternal destiny. Why haven’t you said something to them?

I realize that fear is a natural factor and that many of us are afraid of doing something that would make a friend mad at us. We like to avoid conflict and don’t want to hurt another person’s feelings.

But what is more important, staying comfortable and allowing your friend to go to hell forever or taking a chance and maybe seeing your friend eternally in heaven? Which option would be more important to a true friend? Which would God have you to do?

I know this isn’t easy for most of us. But isn’t it important enough to make it an urgent priority? Courage is not the absence of fear, but the determination to do what is right in spite of our fear.

Be a true friend to the lost people in your life. Friends don’t let friends go to hell.

--Roger Hillis