

In 1 Peter 5:1-3, the apostle Peter told the elders to shepherd the local church for which they had oversight. Elders (also known as shepherds or pastors) are older men who meet the required qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. These qualified men are chosen by the congregation to lead and guide the local church. We are blessed to have four shepherds at Eastland who love us and follow God.

Phil MorrisPhil Morris

Phil has been one of our shepherds since October of 2016. He has a natural gift for authentic connection, and he has spoken many times of his lifelong desire to watch over saints’ souls and encourage us closer to God. Phil has a particular passion for sharing the Bible’s teachings on marriage and family. He and his wife, Shannie, are therefore a particularly helpful asset to our teenagers and young families.

When asked what he loves about Eastland, Phil said, "I am continually overwhelmed by the warmth and sincere love exhibited by the family at Eastland. Our members help create an atmosphere where anyone is welcome to come learn about God and how we can serve Him with our whole heart. I am humbled by the blessing of both working and worshipping with such a fine group of Christians who simply want to go to heaven."

Scott BoatrightScott Boatright

Scott has been a member of the Eastland church for a long time, and even before he was a shepherd, our members know him well as an influence for unity and spirituality in the church. Scott and his wife, Heather, are generous, encouraging, hospitable, and defined by the joy that comes with knowing Christ.

When asked what he loves about Eastland, Scott said, "What I love about Eastland is our biggest asset: our people. Young and old, there is synergy that makes us better. It’s great to worship with those who are truly family."

Jon BinghamJon Bingham

In his time as a member of this church, Jon and his family have solidified their place as diligent servants. He and his wife, Bethany, have been great examples of hospitality. He is also very enthusiastic about evangelism, conducting frequent one-on-one Bible studies with church members or unchurched friends.

When asked what he loves about Eastland, Jon said, "I love the encouragement that comes from being part of the Eastland family. The members here have such a wide range of backgrounds, experiences and abilities... yet we build each other up through our common bond in our Lord. As each one does his or her part out of love for the whole, we stir each other up to greater faith and service. We are one in Him - and our unity blesses our walk in Him."

John PrasserJohn Prasser

John and Leisa Prasser moved to Louisville and became a part of Eastland in 2019. John was a shepherd for 17 years in the congregation he moved from in Indiana. He and Leisa have been active Bible class teachers at Eastland since their association here. John accepted the role of shepherd at Eastland in 2024 after getting to know the congregation for 5 years.

When asked what he loves about Eastland, John said, "I find Eastland to thrive on unity and I’m impressed with the commitment and spirituality of our members. I am truly humbled to be entrusted by our members with the responsibility to help 'keep watch for your souls'."

Cory ByrdCory Byrd

Cory has been a member at Eastland since January 2008, when he and his wife Karuna moved here to raise their family. He is known for his evangelical efforts in India and has interests in preparing younger generations to be leaders in the local church. Cory and Karuna are dedicated to spreading the message of Jesus both near and far.

When asked what he loves about Eastland, Cory said, "I love how we come together to support one another in times of need and how we celebrate together during seasons of plenty. There is a bond we share in Christ that transcends other relationships and it is really something special. At Eastland, we truly see all things working together for good to those who love God."