2025 Vision

2025 Vision

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)

2025 Vision

The Bible is PACKED with building language from Jesus' parable of the house built on the rock to the instructions for building the tabernacle found in Exodus. God showed Moses, David, and Solomon how to build things according to His pattern, and even Jesus served as a carpenter before building His church. From physical representations to spiritual illustrations, the Scripture has a consistent track record of using construction language to describe what God wants us to become.

As the Eastland family, we want to build upon the foundation God gives us and construct our lives in a way that brings glory to Jesus. What does it look like to build a better life? From choosing our goals to the habits we live out, our homes, our marriages, our individual Christian lives, and the Eastland congregation should brick-by-brick be building something God would find joy in.

This year, we are going to talk about the things which reinforce and strengthen our souls and our relationships and the choices which cause structural collapse.

We wil look at foundational principles of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, spend time talking about the Bible patterns and blueprints God has given us, talk about how to make systematic changes which will build a temple out of your life so that God can be seen in you, and learn how to embrace a life with eternity in view.

Every year, we make a vision as the family at Eastland, so we can focus as a family. Plans help us to build resolve, find unity, and most importantly, achieve the goal of drawing nearer to God.

Download the 2025 Vision Booklet or jump directly to each section using the buttons below:

Quarterly Focus Quarterly FocusCalendar CalendarAdult Classes Adult Classes
Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible SchoolLadies' Day Ladies' DayAnnual Reading Schedule Annual Reading Schedule