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“Utterly Impossible... And Also True”

Categories: The Bible, Tuesday Email Devo

Is it possible that God's Word is true, even when it seems utterly impossible?

The Christian's answer should be "yes."

Though modern thinking would tell us dragons never existed, should we refuse believe that they did exist in the way God describes them? (Job 41:18-19ff, Isa. 27:1ff)

Though modern thinking would tell us that magic and sorcery are mere illusions, should we refuse to believe that other powers do exist and God has warned us to steer clear of them? (Ex. 7:10-13, 1 Sam. 28:3-19, Rev. 21:8)

And though modern thinking would tell us that it is simply impossible for a thing to exist unaffected by time, should we refuse to believe that God exists as he claims? That heaven exists as he claims? And that his kingdom exists as he claims? (Rom. 16:26, 2 Cor. 5:1, Heb. 12:28)

In a moment of transparency, I admit that I find these things difficult to understand. And when the mind is strained by information, it is often strained in belief as well. But by faith in God and in his word, I believe that his word is truth and ought to be entirely respected as such.

- Dan Lankford, minister