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“Can Stones Replace Bread?”

Categories: Christian Attitudes, Christian Living, Spiritual Living, Sunday Family Report Articles

The temptation of Jesus is a multifaceted event. On some levels, it encourages us, and yet on other levels, it puzzles us. For example, why would the devil’s first temptation be, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread”? (Lk. 4:3) Why is this a temptation to sin? What sin would Jesus have actually committed if he had given in? 

The core of the devil’s temptation for Jesus is this: demand something of God’s creation that only he himself can provide. No wonder he responds with fulfillment that only God can give (Lk. 4:4). The devil is actually tempting Jesus to selfishly take advantage of God’s creative good in a corrupt way. And in those terms, it sounds like a temptation that we all face.

The devil tempts some to, “Command this affair to provide the fulfillment that only a healthy marriage can give.”

He tempts others to, “Command your children to provide you the happiness that can only be found in a deep relationship with God.” 

He tempts some to, “Command that theft provide the joy that only godly generosity to others can provide.”

He also tempts others to, “Command that laziness provide the same peace that only well-earned rest from diligent labor can bring.”

He tempts others to, “Command this career advancement to provide the peace of mind that only a full relationship with God can offer.”

At the end of the day, many of our temptations are the same as Jesus faced. While we lack the power to turn stones to bread, the temptation toward arrogant, selfish fulfillment rather than humble, joyful gratitude is still one of Satan’s best tools.

- Dan Lankford, minister