Bible Bites

Bible Bites

No Going Back

“…and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.” (1 Corinthians 10:2)

            The Old Testament is full of shadows and types that point toward Jesus and His kingdom.  In the New Testament, we are told that baptism saves us (see 1 Peter 3:21) and that it is a death to an old life and a birth into a new one (see Romans 6:2-4).

            The parting of the Red Sea is a shadow of that.  When Moses led the Israelites through the Red Sea, they walked “under” the water as it was a wall to them on both sides… and there was no turning back.  Once they left Egypt, they could never return again.  Their baptism made them followers of God and Moses forevermore.  Egypt would never again accept them, nor would they belong.

            It is the same with our baptism into Jesus.  There is no turning back.  We are warned about the dangers of returning to our old life.  Baptism is the beginning of a new life.  Press forward.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Today’s Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1-10

Questions to ask:

  1. How is Paul feeling as he writes today’s passage? What is his mood?
  2. What are the central themes in Paul’s preaching and teaching which are being emphasized, or how are the central themes in this epistle being emphasized in today’s reading?
  3. How does our reading show Paul’s people skills, especially how he handles conflict?
  4. What in this passage would change the lives of the believer(s) being addressed? How does it make me a better disciple?
  5. How does this show the “good news” of the gospel? How can I share that with someone else?

This year, #Biblebites are following the life and writings of Paul.  If you would like a copy of the reading schedule, you can view it here: