Bible Bites

Bible Bites

How Much Owest Thou My Lord?

  1. "Tenth of all," said Abraham — Genesis 14.20
  2. "I will give a tenth," vowed Jacob — Genesis 28.20-22
  3. "Our gold, silver and jewelry," said the children of Israel when they were about to build — Exodus 35
  4. "A tenth and more," said the devout Jew under the old covenant 
— Leviticus 27.30-33
  5. "According to ability," says the Old and New Testament 
— Deuteronomy 16.17 & 1 Corinthians 16.1f
  6. A tenth of all," says the heathen to his false god
  7. "All that I have," said the poor widow — Mark 12
  8. "Your body and all that pertains to it," said the inspired Apostle 
— Romans 12.1
  9. "Beyond our power or ability," said the Christians in Macedonia — 2 Corinthians 8.9
  10. "One-tenth of my income," says the Roman Catholic, the Mormon, the Seventh-Day Adventist and others
  11. "We do not owe Him anything," said the apostate Jews. So they robbed him - robbed Him by withholding the gifts —Malachi 3.8f


What Is Your Answer?

  • "As much as I spend on pleasure," says one. He places the god of pleasure on equality with the only true and living God.
  • "What I do not need," says one. He does not have the spirit of God, the great example.
  • "Whatever I find in my pocket when the plate is passed," says the one who ignores the divine law of purpose — 2 Corinthians 9.7
  • "What I have, that I cheerfully give," says the true Christian 
— Acts 3
The lord loves a cheerful giver.
Upon him showers of blessings descend.
Jesus, our great example, gave his life.