Bible Bites

Bible Bites

In Christ

I am thankful that God's plan for our redemption was no accident. It was truly a plan — something conceived in eternity and executed in history. He left nothing to chance. Below is a passage written many years ago by F F Bruce. It is from his book, New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes.

In Jesus the promise is confirmed, the covenant renewed,
the prophecies are fulfilled,
the law is vindicated,
salvation is brought near,
sacred history has reached its climax,
the perfect sacrifice has been offered and accepted,
the great priest over the household of God has taken his seat at God’s right hand,
the Prophet like Moses has been raised up,
the Son of David reigns,
the Kingdom of God has been inaugurated,
the Son of Man has received dominion from the Ancient of Days, the Servant of the Lord,
having been smitten to death for his people’s transgression and borne the sin of many,
has accomplished the divine purpose,
has seen the light after the travail of his soul and is now exalted and extolled and made very high.

Are you a part of this plan?