Things That Impress Visitors
- Bulletin
- Two or three prayers that cannot be heard.
- Members that daydream or sleep throughout the sermon.
- Members who check their phones during the Lord’s Supper.
- Members who never open their mouths during the singing.
- Floors cluttered with dirty gum wrappers, Kleenex, baby’s cookie crumbs, scraps of stuff.
- Scribbling in and playing with the hymnals.
- Giggling.
- Members who whisper, talk, write notes, pass pictures, etc, all through the services.
- Persistent late-comers who disturb and distract their fellow worshippers.
- Members who aren’t listening to the sermon.
- Members who do not speak to visitors.
- Announcements that are mumbled.
- People who don’t open their Bibles during the sermon.
- Singing that is lifeless and insincere.
- Members who would obviously rather be elsewhere.