Bible Bites

Bible Bites

Psalms for Times of Dryness

Setimes when you're down, it's because you have unresolved sin in your life. At other times, you're simply struggling with feelings. When you are down, read Psalms 42 & 43. Note some of the lessons from these psalms.

  1. Lesson #1 — Tell God How You Feel
    1. The Psalmist admitted his own feelings. He talked about being "downcast".
      • "My soul is downcast within me" (Psalm 42.5).
      • Also see Psalm 42.5-6, 11; 43.5
    2. The Psalmist does not beat about the bush. He describes specific troubles and symptoms. Godly people can easily feel low when attacked by unbelievers.
      • "My bones suffer mortal agony as my foes taunt me, saying to me all day long, 'Where is your God?'" (Psalm 42.10).
    3. The Psalmist tells God that he feels that the Lord has forsaken and forgotten him.
      • "Why have you forgotten me?" (Psalm 42.9).
      • "Why have you rejected me?" (Psalm 43.2).
  2. Lesson #2 — Remember Who God Is
    1. The Psalmist Calls God his Rock.
      • "I say to God my Rock" (Psalm 42.9).
    2. God can give the Psalmist light and truth.
      • "Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me" (Psalm 43.3)
    3. The Psalmist remembers that God is his stronghold.
      • "You God are my stronghold" (Psalm 43.2).
    4. God is the Psalmist's Savior.
      • " Savior and my God" (Psalm 42.11; 43.5).
  3. Lesson #3 — Put Your Trust In God
    1. The Psalmist gives himself a good talking to and concludes that he must trust God.
      • "Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God" (Psalm 42.11; 43.5).

— Adapted from "Prayer Made Easy" by Mark Water