Bible Bites

Bible Bites

The God We Pray To (8 Characteristics of God)

  1. God is personal. He is a being who speaks of himself as "I" and ad- dresses humans as "you."
  2. God is plural. See Genesis 1:26. Think of the holy Father, the holy Son and the Holy Spirit as the he who is they, and the they who are he.
  3. God is perfect. God could not be better in any stand- point than he is. See Psalm 85.6.
  4. God is powerful. See Psalm 135:6. Nothing escapes his cognizance and his control.
  5. God is purposeful. God has an end in view in all that he does. See Romans 8:28ff.
  6. God is a promise-keeper. We have confidence that he always keeps his promises: See Romans 4:20ff.
  7. God is paternal. The biblical ideal offatherhood blends authority, fidelity, affection, care, disci- pline, long,suffering and protection. Human fathers may let us down, but not God. See Matthew 6:8.
  8. God is praiseworthy. He merits all the adoration we can give him. See Psalm 147:1.

— In "Praying"