Bible Bites

Bible Bites

How Long Has It Been?

Many of us enjoy singing the song written by Mosie Lister many years ago. The song is thought provoking and usually asks us to do some serious introspective evaluation upon ourselves. The song also serves as a reminder of the great privilege we have in being able to pray to the great God of heaven. Yes, that One who created the heavens and the earth and put all life on it, and sustains all life until the end of time.

How long has it been...

  • Since you talked to the Lord,and shared your problems,secrets,wishes, and concerns for others?
  • Since you knelt by your bed, or got into a private place, and prayed to the Lord up in heaven (Matthew 6:6)?
  • Since you realized that God really, really does care for you (1 Peter 5:7)?
  • Since you realized that today is the day the Lord made,and it is worth living because God gave it to you?
  • Since you called on some wayward Christian to try to get him/her to be restored to the Lord (Galatians 6:1)
  • Since you personally visited some sick person whose illness was announced (Matthew 25:35-40)?
  • Since you went up to a visitor, introduced yourself, and ave him/her a personal invitation to return (Matthew 5:47)?
  • Since you asked someone to come to worship with you (1Corinthians 14:24-25)?
  • Since you talked with someone about obeying the gospel (Acts8:4)?
  • Since you took the time to do something helpful for an elderly brother or sister (Galatians 6:2)?
  • Since you showed hospitality by inviting others into your home for a meal (Hebrews 13:2)?
  • Since you went to a private place and prayed for the Lord's work in this community (1 Thessalonians 5:17)?
  • Since you compared your weekly contribution to the amount you spend on pleasure (Matthew 6:33)?
  • Since you gave serious thought to the proposition that the Lord could appear again any moment (Matthew 24:42)?
  • Since you reached out to a lost and dying soul who has left the Lord (Jude 23)?
  • Since you took up for God when someone used His name in vain (Exodus 20:7)?