Bible Bites

Bible Bites

Prayer for the New Year

Heavenly Father, daily Caretaker of the souls of men, put Your protecting arms around me as I enter this new year of grace. Guide me safely through harm and danger which may come my way, protect me from accident and sickness, and preserve me in that saving faith which will make me more than conqueror over all temptations, doubts, and unbelief.

I am mindful of my many sins and transgressions and ask You to blot them out, every one, by Your love and mercy through the precious blood of my redeeming Savior. In Your faithful love, draw me closer to Yourself that I may walk with renewed determination and strength in Your paths of righteousness, where peace of mind and
the hope of heaven are my treasures and my joy.

Preserve in our community Your saving Gospel and prosper the work of the church established by Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Savior, that the Community and the ends of the earth may know that there is no other name which saves but that of Your Son, our crucified Savior and risen Lord.

You, O God, have been good to me through the years, and in Your mercy You have forgiven me my sins day after day. Grant me the grace to continue steadfast in this saving faith and to walk as it becomes a child of Your family, through Jesus Christ, my eternal Redeemer. Amen.

— Adapted from The Common Book of Prayer