Bible Bites

Bible Bites

I Have Something to Say

“Are you going to preach because you have to say something? Or because you have something to say?”

Either in writing or in person, I’ve been asked that question dozens of times. And I have thought about it a good bit. Admittedly, there have been times when I preached because I was expected to say something, but I could count those experiences on one hand.

The vast majority of the time, I preach because there is a message from God that I believe people need to hear. I usually have something to preach because I have been spending time with God and my heart is overflowing with appreciation of him so I can echo Paul’s words, “Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Cor.9:16)

And that does not need to be just a preacher’s perspective. There are plenty of areas where every Christian can ask himself the same kind of question.

  • Are you going to pray because you have to pray something? Or because you have something to pray about?
  • Are you going to talk to your neighbor about the gospel because you have to teach someone? Or because you have someone there whom you can teach?
  • Are you going to sing because you have to do something at worship? Or because you have something to sing about?
  • Are you going to give because you have to give something? Or because you CHURCH know you have been blessed with something you can give?

There is a reason Jesus said, “My yoke is easy” and “the way is hard.” It all depends on our attitudes. I find that preaching is easy when I have something to say, but difficult when I have to say something. Have you found the same to be true in your life? What is your motivation for serving God?