Bible Bites

Bible Bites

Best Year Ever

“I shall run the way of Your commandments, for You will enlarge my heart.” (Ps 119:32)

“As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart and bear fruit with patience.” (Lk 8:15)

What if 2022 could be your best year ever? If we apply the principles of Psalm 119 and combine them with the teachings of Luke 8 regarding being good soil for God’s Word to grow in, we find a few key ideas to succeeding in growth and change.

RUN – Psalm 119 doesn’t say walk the way; it says run.  Don’t be timid in your pursuit of success.  Half measures are rarely useful.  Don’t be afraid to take drastic action.  Make major changes to your routine, remove temptations from your home, or disconnect from bad influences – it may seem like big moves, but big moves mean you are running instead of walking.

ENLARGE YOUR HEART - Fear of failure is a very real roadblock to progress.  If we have not done something in the past, there is a tangible concern that we will fail if we attempt it in the future.  New things are hard.  They push our comfort zones and test the boundaries of what we are capable of.  Yet God makes a promise – if we will pursue His commandments, He will give us a heart big enough for the task.

Trying to be a better husband or wife, making a commitment to read your Bible every day or pray regularly, removing that addiction from your life once and for all… as you contemplate your goals for this New Year, remember that God can enlarge your heart for the task at hand.  Don’t let fear control you.

BE HONEST – Good soil is honest soil. Growth requires a fearless moral inventory of yourself.  Don’t pretend that you are strong in areas where you are weak.  Don’t hide from your failings; own them.  Make a real assessment of what areas you need to grow in and why you haven’t grown in those areas in the past.  Is it due to lack of self-discipline? Or a failure to ask for help? Have you been inhibited by your own excuses? Is your routine too full to currently make room for progress?  Assess, quantify, be honest with yourself and God, and then press forward with transparency.

PATIENCE – Good soil bears fruit with patience.  Cut yourself some slack as you grow.  Success is rarely a linear process.  You will have good days and bad days.  There will be course adjustments and pruning along the way.  It may be months before you notice the progress happening.  Be patient and work the plan.  If you miss a day in your plan to read the Bible more, don’t give up; just pray about it, and start again tomorrow.  Growth happens when we think about the big picture with patience.  Give yourself time to grow and be patient with yourself.

2022 can be your best spiritual year ever.  It can be the year you glorify God more than ever before.  My prayer for everyone at Eastland is for that to be so.