Bible Bites

Bible Bites

Weak Gods

“Some boast in chariots and some in horses, but we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God.” (Psalm 20:7)


The thing that brings us the greatest sense of comfort and security is one and the same with what we worship.  What gives you confidence that all is well in the world and that there is hope for the future?


The answer should be the LORD, but far too often, we boast and find confidence in things like money, power, our own wit and intellect, or even our sense of entitlement due to position or citizenship.


These things are weak gods.


Only Jehovah brings true hope and confidence.


“The LORD is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in Him.” (Lamentations 3:24)

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

This Week’s Reading: Deuteronomy 6-13; Psalm 20; Proverbs 20

This year, #Biblebites are looking at lessons from the history of the Old Testament.  Each week reads a section of history with a Psalm to meditate on and a dash of Proverbs to dwell upon.  If you would like a copy of the reading schedule, you can view it here: