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Christian Attitudes

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The Ten Virgins

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

This parable of our Lord is found only in Matthew 25:1-13. It is one of three parables in this chapter and each one of them encourages us to be prepared for the second coming of Christ. 

Verses 14-30 contain the parable of the talents which helps us to realize that we must use the abilities and opportunities God gives us to serve Him and others in the full strength of our capabilities.

Verses 31-46 describe, in parable form, the end of time and the separation of the righteous from the wicked. It reminds us that we will all be judged by the Lord, in part based on how we have dealt with our fellow man. We are to be “good deed doers” whenever we have the opportunity and this parable shows us that, when we serve others, we are serving God.

The parable of the ten virgins teaches us to be prepared for the coming of our Judge, by describing five young girls who were ready to go the wedding feast and five who wanted to go but who made inadequate preparation.

There is an old song that says, “Everybody talking about heaven ain’t going there.”  Just because some people have expressed a casual interest in spiritual things doesn’t mean they will make the necessary preparation to go to heaven. No one is going to get into heaven accidentally.

We do not “work” to earn our salvation (see Ephesians 28-9, 2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 3:3-7). But God does call us to obedience (see Matthew 7:21-27, James 2:14-26, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9). We are saved by God’s grace, His unmerited favor. But He has inspired the Bible to tell us how He wants us to live in this earth life in submission to His will.

The obedient will be saved; the rebellious will be lost. It is that simple. Which one are you? If you are not saved, it is not too late. But at some point, the door will be shut (verse 10). Then it will be too late. Don’t be left outside.

“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming” (Matthew 25:13).

--Roger Hillis

The Rich Fool

Monday, June 05, 2017

The setting (or context) of this parable is interesting. Jesus has been teaching, as usual, the message of God. The first twelve verses of this chapter were delivered to “an innumerable multitude of people” who were gathering around Him to hear His teaching. As a matter of perspective, when Jesus fed the 5000 men with the loaves and fishes, that was a lot of people, but not an innumerable crowd. This was obviously even more than that, maybe many more. Imagine if you had been in that company of people, having the opportunity to listen to the Messiah as He was teaching words from God.

Right in the midst of His comments, a man from the crowd interrupts the spiritual feast to ask Jesus to mediate a financial dispute between him and his brother (verse 13). Christ quickly points out to him that He didn’t come into the world to handle such matters and then states clearly that they all needed to beware of covetousness, “for one’s life does not consist of the abundance of the things he possesses” (verse 15).

Jesus then delivers a parable about a successful farmer, from an earthly perspective, whose value system was out of touch with one who wanted to serve God. His crops were plentiful, so much so that he would have to build bigger facilities just to store them. He was essentially set for life. But he died that very night, leaving all of his material possessions to others.

The farmer indicates nothing to tell us he had a relationship with God, the one from whom all blessings flow (James 1:17). There is nothing that would lead us to believe he planned to use any of his possessions to bless others. Someone has said that the man obviously had “I” disease, for he only spoke of himself and what he had accomplished and what he would do for himself. He used the words “I” and “my” ten times in his short speech.

He was prepared to live a long time and to “eat, drink and be merry” for many years. But he wasn’t prepared to die. Which preparation is more important, really? And do we realize that is true in our own lives as clearly as we can see it about this man? Christ called this one a fool for failing to think beyond the material things he owned.

He concludes this parable by saying this: “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” That was said for the man who was mad at his brother and for the others who were there in that “innumerable multitude.” And it has been preserved in the Bible for us today to learn from, as well.

--Roger Hillis

The Builders

Sunday, June 04, 2017

Our Savior concluded the greatest sermon ever preached, the Sermon on the Mount, with the parable of the builders. It is found in Matthew 7:21-29 and a similar parable is located at Luke 6:46-49.

Two men each built a house. One built on a solid foundation of rock while the other build his house on sand. When faced with storms and floods and winds, one house stood the test. The other collapsed and was ruined.

The Lord tells us that the one who built on a rock foundation is the person who “hears these sayings of Mine, and does them.” He is called wise and the children often sing a song, “The wise man built his house upon the rock.” His house withstood the tests and trials of life.

But, as our children can tell us, “The foolish man built his house upon the sand.” When the storms of life came along, his house was poorly constructed and it was destroyed. This is the person who “hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them,” according to Jesus.

What a simple story to illustrate an important spiritual truth. The fact is that there are really only two categories of people in the world. Wise and foolish. Saved and lost. Righteous and unrighteous. The obedient and the disobedient. The good and the evil. Those who are going to heaven and those who will go to hell.

We would like to think there is some middle ground, some who are mostly obedient and will probably be saved and some who do a few wrong things and may or may not be saved, but it’s kind of “iffy.” To the Lord, everyone is either a believer or an unbeliever. And He clearly knows the difference.

And we can recognize the difference also, based on what Jesus said. The wise, saved ones are those who hear the message of the gospel and obey it. The foolish, lost ones are those who hear the word of God and do not obey it.

Human beings want to come up with all kinds of loopholes, exceptions, extraordinary situations, imaginary ideas and doctrines and commandments of men to try to get some of those foolish ones into heaven. The Lord will tell them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” (Matthew 7:23).

Hear God’s word and obey it. It really is that simple. Be a wise builder.

--Roger Hillis

The Tares

Saturday, June 03, 2017

Found in Matthew 13:24-30, this parable of Christ is only one of two stories that Jesus explained to His disciples (the explanation is found in verses 36-43).. Several modern versions of the New Testament refer to this as the parable of the weeds, while many still use the more specific term, tares.

According to W.E. Vine, the word, tares, comes from a Greek word, zizanion, and is defined: “is a kind of darnel, the commonest of the four species, being the bearded, growing in the grain fields, as tall as wheat and barley, and resembling wheat in appearance. It was credited among the Jews as being degenerate wheat… The seeds are poisonous to man and herbivorous animals, producing sleepiness, nausea, convulsions and even death.” (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, page 1133).

Following on the heels of the parable of the sower, this parable shows us that there is more to be considered than just planting good seed. The Lord’s will, of course, is that the seed of the gospel of Christ would be planted in every heart and given opportunity to grow.

But the other side of the coin is that there is also a malevolent force to be dealt with, specifically, the work of the Devil. Satan is the “enemy” who sows tares (or weeds) into the hearts and lives of people as well.

In the parable, those who accept and obey the good seed are “the sons of the kingdom.” Those who receive and follow the tares are “the sons of the wicked one.” Those are the only two options, by the way. You cannot have it both ways, serving God on Sundays and the devil the rest of the week. If you live that way, you are a child of the devil.

At the harvest, which represents the Day of Judgment, the wheat and the weeds will be divided and the tares will be burned, which represents the eternal torment of hell.

One more point remains to be made. Jesus taught, in verse 38, that “the field is the world.” This shows us to breadth of the Lord’s commission to “preach the gospel to every creature.” We should tell everyone we meet about our Savior and the salvation that He offers to all of mankind.

--Roger Hillis

The Sower

Friday, June 02, 2017

Christ’s parable of the sower is found in each of the synoptic gospels (Matthew 13; Mark 4; and Luke 8). It is not contained in the gospel of John.

We are blessed, in studying this parable, to have the Lord Himself explain it for us. In Luke 8, the parable itself is found in verses 5-8. Jesus’ explanation is in verses 11-15. Understanding how Christ interprets this parable should help us to be able to interpret other parables.

Jesus says plainly that “the seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11). There are other passages where the same word picture is given with the word of God being compared to a seed.

The parable of the tares uses a similar illustration (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43). So does the parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32).

1 Corinthians 3:6-8 contains comparable language. “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants in anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.”

The apostle Peter employs a similar word picture in describing the process by which people are converted to Christ. “Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart, having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever” (1 Peter 1:22-23).

The seed is sown in four different kinds of soil, representing four different hearts (or attitudes) of people who hear the gospel message. Each one brings forth a different result. Some prefer to call this the parable of the soils, but Jesus Himself calls it “the parable of the sower” (Matthew 13:18), so it’s probably best to stick with that.

--Roger Hillis

Parables of Jesus

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Parables were stories that Jesus told to help people who had good hearts to understand His teaching. Some have referred to parables as “earthly stories with a heavenly meaning.” When you study the parables, you should learn more about how to live so that God will be pleased with your life.

How to interpret the parables   

Here are four ideas for how to understand the parables better. These are not inflexible rules, simply suggestions for looking deeper into the meaning of these inspired stories.

1)  Find the central truth.

Overall, what was Jesus trying to teach? Parables always teach one main truth. There may be other lessons as well, but do not get too far away from the major thought of each parable.

2)  Read the verses before and after the parable.

As a matter of fact, that’s a good idea for any passage of scripture. The context sometimes explains the reason Jesus told that parable on that occasion. As an example, read Luke 15:1-2. Jesus answered the attitude of the scribes and Pharisees with three parables about God’s love for the lost

3)  Do not worry about the details.

Not every detail in a parable is important. Not everything represents something else that has a deep spiritual meaning. It is easy to get caught up in trying to define these specifics and sometimes this keeps us from knowing the major lesson Jesus was teaching.

4)  Two are interpreted by Jesus.

The parables of the sower and the tares are explained by Jesus. This leaves no room for misunderstanding. If we can examine how He explained those two parables, it should help us to understand and interpret correctly some of the others.

Purpose of the Parables

Why did Jesus use parables in His teaching? There are three reasons.

1)  To conceal the truth

Read Matthew 13:10-15. Some people were unworthy to receive God’s truth because of their attitude. They had closed their eyes, ears and hearts to God’s will. To them, the parables were just silly little stories with no meaning.

2)  To reveal the truth

Read Matthew 13:16-17; 34-35. Jesus told parables to draw a comparison between earthly things they could understand and spiritual lessons they would have difficulty with. To people with good hearts, parables would illustrate the truth.

3)  To preserve the truth

Everyone loves a good story. The parables would be easily remembered, along with the spiritual truths they teach.

 --Roger Hillis

Coming in June: Parables of Jesus

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Hello everyone. Lord willing, I plan to post a series of articles about the parables of Jesus, beginning on June 1. I trust you will find them interesting, challenging and helpful to your walk with God. Hope you will join us regularly.

--Roger Hillis


Philippians 4

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Verses 1-3 contain the only rebuke found in the book of Philippians. It is directed at two women, Euodia and Syntyche, and shows that Christians need to live and work together in love. If there are problems between you and another Christian, please go to that person, talk it out and pray together about the problem.

In verses 4-8, there are two key thoughts, joy and peace. Both are described in other places as “fruit of the Spirit.”

Joy is the theme of this letter. Christians are to rejoice in all things, even in times of suffering. Christianity alone can teach us how to properly enjoy live.

Peace is that quality of mind and attitude that enables us to live calm and tranquil lives, free of anxiety and fear.

The key to having such joy and peace is found in Philippians 4:8. Having the right attitude and thinking on those things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of good report will bring the peace of God into one’s life.

This is one of the problems caused by pornography, movies and television programs which promote ungodliness and sexual immorality, listening to inappropriate music or comedy, being around people who tell filthy jokes or use bad, sinful language, including taking the Lord’s name in vain, those who would blaspheme God and His will. Once these sinful thoughts, words or images, get into our minds, it is difficult to remove them.

When the apostle wrote Romans 12:1-2 about presenting our bodies as living sacrifices to God and being transformed into the image of His Son, he told us that the method through which those positive actions come about is “the renewing of your mind.” We need to think about good things so that we will do good things.

In verses 10-23, Paul turns to the subject of contentment with the physical blessings that the Lord has given us.

The brothers at Philippi were concerned about Paul’s material welfare, as they should have been. In the past, they had been blessed with opportunities to help Paul in his work of spreading the gospel. At the time of the writing of Philippians, they had no such opportunity.

Paul wanted them to know that he was going to be all right. God would take care of him and, whether he had much or little, he was content. He had been instructed by the harsh realities of life and had come to the realization stated in verse 13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

The apostle points out to them that, when they helped him financially, the fruit that resulted would be credited to their account. Their financial support would result in souls being saved eternally and God would remember their sacrifice and faithfulness in the Day of Judgment.

--Roger Hillis

Philippians 3

Monday, May 15, 2017

One of the most common problems in the first century church was the question of circumcision, an Old Testament sign of purity. Judaizing teachers (those who wanted to keep parts of the old law) kept trying to bind it, while the apostles insisted that it was not essential.

Paul reminds his readers that, if anyone had a right to trust in his fleshly heritage, he did. After describing his Jewish credentials, Paul tells them that he had not only abandoned these things to follow Christ, he counted them as rubbish, totally unimportant compared to eternity (verses 1-11).

All of Paul’s life could now be described by the phrase, “one thing I do.” Forgetting all else, he pressed forward in pursuit of his goal, heaven. In verses 12-14, Paul uses the illustration of a runner in a race who has not yet reached the finish line. He would not look back. He would not quit short of the goal. He would press on, reaching forward to win the prize.

His goal, and ours, is the “prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Beginning in verse 15, Paul reminds us that we are all at different stages of spiritual maturity. Wherever we are, there we ought to do all we can, using our abilities and taking advantage of our opportunities. (By next year, we should have grown enough to do more.)

Enemies of the cross, the worldly minded, will do all they can to oppose our efforts to serve the Lord. Paul makes it very clear that their “end is destruction.” We must not love the world (1 John 2:15) and must not allow ourselves to be caught up in the sinful pleasures that the world offers. Any pleasure in wickedness is temporary and not only will it not last, it will cause our souls to be lost throughout eternity.

In contrast, as Christians, we are to set our minds on things above. We face daily choices about right and wrong. Our citizenship is in heaven, not on this temporary world. Realizing that “this word is not our home,” we must love God and the things of the Spirit, not of the flesh. As we eagerly anticipate the return of Christ, let us submit to the Lord in all things.

--Roger Hillis

Philippians 2

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Unity in the Lord’s church is absolutely essential. To please God, there is no other option.

Unity begins with one’s attitude (verses 1-4). If we have the proper attitude toward other Christians, division will not be impossible, but it will be rare. The so-called “Golden Rule” is not just good advice. It is a matter of obedience or disobedience. “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12). Treat other people, and especially fellow disciples, the way you want to be treated, with dignity and respect and honesty.

Jesus is the perfect example (of course) of the selfless attitude we must have (verses 5-11). Christ had every right to remain in heaven, but He left those glories behind to serve the needs of others, a dying mankind (us!). It required humility and selflessness. We must have the mind (attitude) we see in Jesus Christ.

In verses 12-18, Paul describes what he means by “work out your own salvation.”

“But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered” (Romans 6:17). Man (the creation) is expected to obey God (the Creator). This obedience from the heart is one of the ways we demonstrate our faith (James 2:14-26) and our love for the Lord (John 14:15). One who does not obey the gospel of Christ will be lost eternally (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9; Matthew 7:21).

As Christians, we are to shine as lights in a dark world of sin. The greater the wickedness (the darkness), the greater is the need for light. If Christians do not let their lights shine, how will the lost world see the Lord in us?

Earlier in this chapter, Paul uses Christ as the example of selfless humility. The Son of God became the Son of Man to serve dying humanity’s need for salvation. In all areas of life, the Lord is our perfect role model and we must seek to be like Him in this area as well.

In verses 19-30, Paul describes two other excellent examples of this type of attitude. He first mentions Timothy, his “son in the faith” who had proven his character and purity of heart by the way he served others. Paul says he has no other companion and fellow worker like Timothy.

Then he brings up Epaphroditus who had risked his own life to serve Paul’s needs. You never forget someone like that. The impact we can have on others can be powerful when we show our love for them by serving their needs, whatever they might be.

--Roger Hillis

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