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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/27/13 How to Build a Wall Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2013-01-27 AM - How to Build a Wall (CLoyce Sutton) Nehemiah  2 1-8.mp3
01/27/13 Righteous or Self-Righteous Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday PM 2013-01-27 PM - Righteous or Self righteous (Cloyce Sutton) Psalm 7 1-5.mp3
01/20/13 The Barnabas Effect Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2013-01-20 AM - The Barnabas Effect (Cloyce Sutton) Acts 4 32-37.mp3
01/20/13 Singing - Season of Need Stephen Royals N/A Sunday PM 2013-01-20 PM - Season of Need (Stephen Royals) Matthew 25 31-46.mp3
01/13/13 Spiritual Gestation Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2013-01-13 AM - Spiritual Gestation (Cloyce Sutton) Galations 4 12-20.mp3
01/13/13 Discipline Yourself Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday PM 2013-01-13 PM - Discipline Yourself (Cloyce Sutton) 1 Timothy 4 6-10.mp3
01/06/13 Day By Day Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2013-01-06 AM - Day By Day (Cloyce Sutton) Deuteronomy 33 24-29.mp3
01/06/13 To Do and To Be Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday PM 2013-01-06 PM - To Do and To Be (Cloyce Sutton) Matthew 5 1-12.mp3
12/30/12 Preparedness Reggie Robarts N/A Sunday AM 2012-12-30 AM - Preparedness (Reggie Robarts) Amos 4 12-13.mp3
12/30/12 New Year David Buchanon N/A Sunday PM 2012-12-30 PM - New Year (David Buchannon) Romans 14 16-19.mp3
12/23/12 God With Us Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2012-12-23 AM - God With Us (Cloyce Sutton) Isaiah 7 10-17.mp3
12/23/12 Does Jesus Care Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday PM 2012-12-23 PM - Does Jesus Care (Cloyce Sutton) 1 Peter 5 6-11.mp3
12/16/12 The Inscrutable God Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2012-12-16 AM - The Inscrutable God (Cloyce Sutton) Isaiah 40 27-31.mp3
12/16/12 Singing - Mercy Neal Stanley N/A Sunday PM 2012-12-16 PM - (Neal Stanley).mp3
12/09/12 How to Handle a Bad Day Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2012-12-09 AM - How to Handle a Bad Day (Cloyce Sutton) Habakkuk 3 16-19.mp3
12/09/12 The Just Shall Live by Faith Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday PM 2012-12-09 PM - The Just Shall Live by Faith (Cloyce Sutton) Habakkuk 2 1-5.mp3
12/02/12 What is a Christian Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2012-12-02 AM - What is a Christian (Cloyce Sutton) Acts 11 19-26.mp3
12/02/12 The Old Rugged Cross Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday PM 2012-12-02 PM - The Old Rugged Cross (Cloyce Sutton) Luke 23 26-33.mp3
11/25/12 Daring Greatly Steve Akers N/A Sunday AM 2012-11-25 AM - Daring Greatly (Steve Akers) Ephesians 3 8-21.mp3
11/25/12 Besieged Reggie Robarts N/A Sunday PM 2012-11-25 PM - Besieged (Reggie Robarts) James 1 5-7.mp3
11/18/12 Yes You Can Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2012-11-18 AM - Yes You Can (Cloyce Sutton) Dueteronomy 30 11-14.mp3
11/18/12 Singing - The Broken Rule Reggie Robarts N/A Sunday PM 2012-11-18 PM - The BroKen Rule (Reggie Robarts) Matthew 712.mp3
11/11/12 What Did Not Change Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2012-11-11 AM - What Did Not Change (Cloyce Sutton) Pslam 20 6-9.mp3
11/11/12 A Prophet Like Moses Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday PM 2012-11-11 PM - A Prophet Like Moses (Cloyce Sutton) Dueteronomy 18 15-22.mp3
11/04/12 Holy People Holy Living Cloyce Sutton N/A Sunday AM 2012-11-04 AM - Holy People Holy Living (Cloyce Sutton) Dueteronomy 26 16-29.mp3

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